These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on Metal Detecting. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.
1.1 Illegal detecting - We do not allow posts or topics that condone the illegal use of a metal detector. This includes the use of a metal detector at night on private land without the owners consent (known as "Night Hawking"). It also includes metal detecting in public areas where the person has no permission. Such topics will be deleted and the member concerned warned or ultimately have their account deleted and banned.
1.2 Offensive posts - sexual - racist - religious - political - We do not allow posts that are sexual or racist in nature. Neither do we allow posts which refer to or promote a particular personal religious or political standpoint outside of the normal historical discussions concerned with metal detecting. Note this includes the use of controversial, political or sensitive issues which also includes images within avatars, signature images or symbols used within the forum.
1.3 Personal attacks - While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Topics related to personal grievances is prohibited and has no place within the open forum. If you have issues towards a member or the forum generally please contact a member of the MDF team.
1.4 Swearing - This is a family friendly forum so no swearing, even in abbreviated form, will not be allowed on the Open Forum, however mild swear words will be allowed in our None metal detecting related Lounge forum.
1.5 Staying on topic - Please respect the original poster`s topic and stay on topic with any replies. We strictly maintain staying on topic within our dedicated sub brand forums. We will remove any replies that relate or compare to another brand.
1.6 Brand versus brand Topics and posts comparing different brands of detector, (asking “Which detector is best…”, and “What detector should I upgrade to…”, etc, etc.) are not permitted on the forum. This is to prevent heated debates, the needless bashing of certain brands, and ‘influencers’ trying to promote their preferred brand. Such comparisons are also unhelpful anyway. # -
2.1 Charity Dig topics - only charity fund raising through metal detecting dig events can be posted on the forum.
2.2 Linking to other metal detecting forums and groups - We do not allow advertising or promoting of other forums through text or active links. This includes Facebook pages and other internet based Social media groups and blogs. Please note this rule covers member’s signatures as well as posts on the forum.
2.3 Links to other metal detecting websites - You are allowed links to other metal detecting websites in your signature. However it is expected that a reciprocal link back from the website to the MDF would be arranged. If anyone is interested in a reciprocal link please contact Mrix.
2.4 Self promotion - We do not allow registrations where members want to use their account to promote their Youtube channel or other social media activity. This includes personal channel links, posting personal videos and asking members to subscribe to their channel especially if they are dealer sponsored, We do however allow Videos from the Official Manufactures.
2.5 MDF Youtube video gallery - To prevent spam registrations, some terms and conditions have been created before a member can post a video within the gallery. The individual must have been a member for over a year and have at least 100 posts to their account, of which 50 must have been within the previous 12 months. Videos must not contain brand comparison / versus style content or have dealer advertising.
2.6 Commercial links and promotion is strictly prohibited in Profiles and Signature's. We also do not allow links, advertising and promotion to other commercial Dealers of metal detecting products, machines and accessories in members posts which will be edited. # -
Buying - selling - wanted - exchange - Any selling activity within the forum is strictly prohibited unless it is within the designated sub forum. To sell or swap an item within this forum the seller must have been a member of the MDF for at least 3 months and have 20 posts to their account and live within the UK. Please note this rule does not however apply to wanted posts. All items offered must be metal detecting related and be personal secondhand items. Links to ebay and other selling sites is not allowed. To minimise the risk of fraud the only forms of payment allowed are cash on collection and PayPal. strictly not the friends / family method of payment. Once an item has been sold the seller must inform an admin to lock the topic. In “wanted” topics please only reply if you have the item for sale. Any replies stating you can purchase on other auction sites, gumtree, etc. will be removed, please also remember it is mandatory to post images of your for sale item within your listings. # -
We are always pleased to see your finds and share in your excitement however, to enable an accurate ID to be given the following is required:
H - Have at least two clear, in focus images. Both sides of the items must be shown in all cases. Mandatory.
A - Add some information regarding the circumstances: conditions, depth, type of land, etc. Advisory
M - Measure items by placing them alongside a metric form of scale only (cm/mm), showing clear segments/numbering and clear millimeter divisions. Mandatory
M - Machine used and settings – this is always of interest to other members. Advisory
Y - You will always get a better ID if you supply as much information as possible. Approximate location, type of metal, etc., can prove very helpful. Tell us as much as you can.
PLEASE NOTE: No other form of scale, other that that specified above, is acceptable, strictly only 8 images allowed daily when using the attachment feature and only post finds you wish to be identified.
Finally - when asking and receiving a ID Please Remember the Common courtesy of Please and Thank You.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – Some extra details may assist in the identification of your item e.g. It’s metal composition (suggested or known) also the type of land searched ie. ploughed/Pasture/Beach etc. Please note, an item which seems to be blank on one side may still hold useful information to an experienced identifier so it’s always worth showing such an image. # -
5.1 Ordnance Forum rules and guidance - Firstly and most importantly all posts must abide by the current UK legislation .
5.2 The law is a complex one and it is up to you to read it and interpret how this may effect your posts. Any topic found to be in breach of this will be removed or edited. The forum takes no responsibility to what you may post. Any advice given is purely that, and does not represent a fact in law. Posts that may look to contain something that appears dangerous may be either removed or the best advice will be given by either us or our military experts. If you feel you may be offended by someone looking out for your safety or interest regarding a dangerous item then we would rather you didn’t post it at all. Our members are happy to help and advise, but you may not like the advice given.
Some very basic information: If you don’t know what an item is then treat it as dangerous until someone tells you different ! Under no circumstances should anything be taken indoors until it has been assessed.
5.3 All legal obligations are down to you, items found on site should be immediately reported to the police who will usually attend straight away and arrange for a safe disposal. It is a criminal offense to be in possession of live ammunition and this includes expanding bullets etc. If you have inadvertently taken something home, call the police there, and move the item as far from your house as possible, ie bottom of you garden. Do NOT take it to the police station; again you are breaking the law doing this and they will not thank you. Some additional advice given by some forum members can be found here link to choppers live ammo thread. # -
6.1 Animation in avatars and signatures is not allowed.
6.2 Image attachment quota - Each member is only allowed to upload 6 images each day using the the sites image attachment upload facility. This has been put in place to save the sites hard drive resources. However there is no daily limit on the number of photos added via a link from other image hosting websites (i.e. or or similar)
6.3 Finds images - All images of finds posted anywhere other than the 'Finds ID' forum, must be accompanied by text, stating clearly what the finds are.
6.4 Member accounts - Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is prohibited.
6.5 Copyright - The content of all posts including the text & images is the copyright of the original poster and may not in any way and under any circumstances be reproduced anywhere without the explicit full consent of the poster and/or the forum owner. Failure to gain this permission is a copyright infringement and classed as plagiarism. # -
7.1 Editing and removing posts - While these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything and consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way. This includes editing or removing posts without notice. Our decision is final in these matters.
We might find it necessary to remove a topic and place it within our pending forum while any issues within that topic are ironed out. Once they have been then the thread will then moved back to the open forum.
7.2 Banning and closing member accounts - We reserve the right to temporarily ban or permanently remove the account of any member who wilfully violates the forum rules.
7.3 Requests to remove a member’s account - If a member notifies us they wish to close their account a 48 hour cooling off period will take place. If the member still wishes to remove their account after this time then this will be honoured. Please note that their topics or posts will remain on the forum but under a heading of "Past Member" this is to maintain and keep the integrity of these topics and the resource here. This also applies to any member who may have their account removed by the MDF Admin team for any reason, such as a continued breach of the forum rules, etc.
7.4 Changes to the rules - We reserve the right to change, amend and add to these rules at any time without prior notice. However we will make every effort to publicise any changes or additions we make within the forums.
Thanks to all - Forum Staff #