Ever feel like giving up?.......Bognor Beach

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Ever feel like giving up?.......Bognor Beach

Post by KevinB »

Hi All, Bognor Beach was magic for me but not any more......To start with I wondered if the detector was working not a sound, nothing. Yep all good no problem. The beach now is like it`s been hoovered just don`t get the signals the bits are not there. Two and a half hours later this is what I ended up with. Will go back to a different section next week but don`t hold too much hope we`ll see. Good luck...... [81/]
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Post by theoriginalfatcat »

In answer to your question - YES. [72/]

I plough on because I feel I'm due a good find and it's good for me. Being outside in the country and that..........
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Post by fred »

Probably partly my fault! [88/] I had lots of good stuff from there in the 80s and 90s although it was never as prolific as some other places on the south coast. .
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Post by MilitaryMetalMagnut »

Yes, I think that very often. [87/] But it only takes a small semi-decent find to refocus the interest again. ::g

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Post by tappers »

WELL !!! don't be disheartened,i had a lot less than that on Hayling Island main beech, two of us detecting, for 2 hours, my pal was using my EXPLORER SE & i was using my new NOX 900, all we found was a piece of brass & a bottle top !!!!!
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Post by sweepstick47 »

Recent weather is liable to have had a controlling effect especially on those beaches where tidal strength and changing currents are known to create both sand deposition or/and scouring.

At Filey, I used the number of bricks visible (vertically) in the seawall as a reference for depth of sand on any particular day. There are various forms of 'fixed' examples such as large rocks, exposed wreck timbers as well as fissures, gullies and visible hardpack mud to use as 'sand depth' 'indicators' so it's always worth keeping your eyes peeled for such developments as soon as you arrive. This is why beaches more than any other detecting site never reliably remain predictable and why it would be unwise to give-up on a beach solely on the strength of a couple of fruitless searches.

Just to illustrate, I often met up with an old pal of mine who had given-up inland searching due to bad knees, he found searching the beach easier, he was then 86! Beaches were not really my bag but he called at my house and asked if I was up for a session on Filey beach following the previous night's storm. We often searched at Filey as it was close (just a couple of miles away) so off we went and after about 2 hours (our usual limit) my bag was 130 (ish) coins while he had amassed over 600 which included a couple of hammered and also some romans grots.
So the answer is simple, never give-up because every day is a new day on a beach [81/] Cheers Eric
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Post by KevinB »

tappers wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:48 pm WELL !!! don't be disheartened,i had a lot less than that on Hayling Island main beech, two of us detecting, for 2 hours, my pal was using my EXPLORER SE & i was using my new NOX 900, all we found was a piece of brass & a bottle top !!!!!
Is it okay to detect on Hayling beach I noticed it`s not Crown Estate Foreshaw??.......
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Post by tappers »

i've seen other people detecting there, never saw any sign's up anywhere saying it's not permitted !!!!
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Post by beachboy70 »

Finds are well down these days looking at the finds from Bognor beach that looks a good day ,have had a lot less than that some days in the summer always just hoping for better days. HH beachboy 70.
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Post by KevinB »

beachboy70 wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 5:01 pm Finds are well down these days looking at the finds from Bognor beach that looks a good day ,have had a lot less than that some days in the summer always just hoping for better days. HH beachboy 70.
It was one of thoes days!... Two years ago I would walk away from Bognor with a fist full of coins after five hours, not now. I chop and change the beaches all the time and try and read the bit of beach I`m on quickly when I arrive. Today was okay different beach two and a half hours 13 coins. A few days before Bognor another beach for four and a half hours 71 coins. The coins are about I just need to stay sharp! Good luck.... [81/]
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Post by Detectski »

less cash carried = less coins lost on beaches
Simples [72/]
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Post by KevinB »

Detectski wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 7:56 pm less cash carried = less coins lost on beaches
Simples [72/]
Sure, which in a way is good because it makes you focus more to find what is there and they are about!......
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