Help Rotating Images After Posting

Finds and artefacts found while out metal detecting which require identifying.
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IMAGE ALLOWANCE – Strictly a maximum of 8 images per day per member.
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Help Rotating Images After Posting

Post by Bradrick »

When images are uploaded to the forum, the orientation can often change when the post is submitted. This is easily rectified by the user.

If, after uploading your images they are not in the correct orientation (previewing them first is always a good idea), you can change this very easily by using the 'orientation wheel' to flip them. Just click on the wheel icon (as in the image below) and, when the image 'thumbnail' appears, just click on the image once for each turn, and then click on 'Save'.
image wheel.png
Don't forget: If you crop your image to remove as much background as possible, our excellent members will stand more of a chance in offering you an ID. (2:)

These links are also very useful, and I would urge you to visit them.

Attaching an Image
MDF Guide
Recommended ID Scale - FREE Download
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XP Deus II
C-Scope 1220b

"When you go home, tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow, we gave our today."

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened.
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Post by Bradrick »

XP Deus II
C-Scope 1220b

"When you go home, tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow, we gave our today."

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened.

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