Multi tone ?

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Multi tone ?

Post by Gavker77 »

Hi all i'm looking for some information on the GM 4WD. It's a 2 tone machine but does the high tone change in any way with different targets and depths?. or is it just ferrous and non ferrous tone. thanks in advance.
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Post by Digger71 »

I use a GM6 so cannot say for sure about the GM4 but I find that in dual and single there is a difference in the sound of the detected target and it’s relative depth. I will confess I’ve not had mine that long and have the advantage of VDI and target I’d to refer to but none the less I notice a difference in sharpness or dullness of sound and sometimes it’s a bit ‘scratchy’ for want of a better word. Volume is also an indicator or depth/size and also there have been times that that I have had no reading on the VDI or TID but can hear something is down there and have dug anyway with some good results. This sis the advantage of analogue in my opinion. But I’ve found the only real way to get to know the subtle differences in sound and what they represent is to dig just about a every thing you find for the first little while. That’s probably the most reliable opinion I can give you.

After a few weeks and months I’m getting a handle on the likely target without the readouts but these are useful to confirm my assumptions on my ‘6’ and therefore I choose to risk digging a bit less. Even so, I am likely missing something occasionally if I don’t dig. Ferrous targets can give you an idea of the sites uses over the years, especially a new permission. At the end of the day if you don’t dig, you don’t find and relying on any machine to identify a target sufficiently that you decide not to dig comes with that risk no matter the make or cost. I’ve lost count of the times I have had a banging signal in the high numbers, a good sharp clear tone and it turns out to be a rusty loop or ring of iron or steel and every detector I’ve used is fooled in some ways. But in time the sound can give you very good clues as to what’s under the coil and recovery speed and depth of the ‘4’ is said to be second to none if used well.

Good luck.
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Post by Dsmith »

Gavker77 wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:19 pm Hi all i'm looking for some information on the GM 4WD. It's a 2 tone machine but does the high tone change in any way with different targets and depths?. or is it just ferrous and non ferrous tone. thanks in advance.
Hi I am new to the site I am in the U.S and one of the few in the U.S that uses and loves the Golden Mask detectors, my first encounter with a Golden Mask detector was with the GM 4WD that I ordered directly from Golden Mask, I still have the 4WD and use it quite often for me the 4WD when set in two tone mode it gives a pretty high tone on Non ferrous targets and a cllipy tone on Ferrous targets, so it is just a Ferrous and Non Ferrous tone
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