VK40 Metal Detector

Forum group discussion of the Viking metal detectors.
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Post by loodgewicht »

Hello Dolph

I am now in contact with viking and they will send me a estimate of the cost.
The problem can be the search head or controlbox.
The person i bought it from also found the warranty papers.
So hopefully it wil be working again.
Can you tell me wich year the viking vk40 was introduced.
Thank you all for your support.
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Post by loodgewicht »

The detector is going to be repaired for 40 pound and i payed for the detector a 100 pounds
So it is not to expensive
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Post by dolph »

Glad you have got it sorted. It's a good machine. Take your time and learn the machine in all the modes for beaches don't go in the wet and leave it in the inland mode it still works ok. For fields either motion or use all metal mode with the background tone. It will find the stuff you just need to walk over it
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Post by loodgewicht »

Hello Dolph

Thanks for your help,i only search on land not on beaches.
Here we are searching on corn fields,which in the years 1840-1940's mud/clay has been deposit from very old homesteads,because it was sandy soil not good for crops or grass.
the homesteads are named here terpen,these where high hills where people lived from roman times to modern times.
they dug these hills from top to bottom in de period 1840-1940,leaving only small remaines of these places.
But in those clay/mud where a lot of objects,which we now find today.
Another source of mud whas the waist from cities in the 16 17 and 18th century.
So there is enough to find when they harvest the corn.
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Post by loodgewicht »

I had the email that the detector is repaired,and it only cost 25 pounds.
It only needed calibration and now its fine.
Now i only have to wait for the detector to get back to me
This whas a very quick repair from viking because the detector had no warranty anymore.
I am very pleased with the way viking responded to my problem.
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Post by loodgewicht »

Detector is good ,had trouble on one field with electric fencing.
Other field it worked fine
It is a good beginners detector
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Post by steveu »

Ive just bought a second-hand vk40 from ebay, im waiting for it to be delivered, only paid £103 won on auction, theres alot of bad statements on this forrum of the vk40 and im starting to panic i get a dub one! fingers crossed its working as intended.

what i would like to know from someone tith experience using the machine, does it go deeper in all metal mode or non motion mode, people are saying non motion but on this chat im hearing all metal mode is good to use, i guess whats the difference in these 2 modes for depths, tones e.g double beep in these modes or not? ect
steve p.s. this is my first post
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Post by Erik_the_Viking »

My best advice as a VK30 owner (a very similar machine) is just see how you get on with it.
It’s a good machine to see if you like the hobby.
I usually used to use mine in motion mode, sensitivity about 75%, discrimination about 20% IIRC.
I used all metal mode for pin pointing, and yes, I think it does go a bit deeper, but motion is better for general searching I think.
You will find stuff. It’s the double beep you’re looking for.
It’s just a shame Viking didn’t make it at least a 3 tone machine.
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Post by steveu »

I guess i was trying to get more specific info about the vk40 model, but thanks for the reply, the vk30's a popular model with the viking 5 & 6, ive just looked on vikings site and it says for the vk40:-

The VK40 Metal Detector offers 3 modes of detection: Motion Detection for discriminating against lower quality targets, Non-Motion Detection for accurate pinpointing of objects and All-Metal Detection which is an automatically retuning Non-Motion mode allowing the smallest signals from the deepest objects to be heard.

so it sounds like all metal mode gets the most depth or atleast equal, cant wait to try it now, but the guy tells me he relisted on that selling site, then forgot and went on holiday, i hope he isn't messing me around!

i plan to switch between the different modes to figure out if its iron or not, since im guess'n its only motion mode that makes the single iron beep and not the non motion modes, is that correct?
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Post by Erik_the_Viking »

steveu wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2024 6:11 pm I guess i was trying to get more specific info about the vk40 model, but thanks for the reply, the vk30's a popular model with the viking 5 & 6, ive just looked on vikings site and it says for the vk40:-

The VK40 Metal Detector offers 3 modes of detection: Motion Detection for discriminating against lower quality targets, Non-Motion Detection for accurate pinpointing of objects and All-Metal Detection which is an automatically retuning Non-Motion mode allowing the smallest signals from the deepest objects to be heard.

so it sounds like all metal mode gets the most depth or atleast equal, cant wait to try it now, but the guy tells me he relisted on that selling site, then forgot and went on holiday, i hope he isn't messing me around!

i plan to switch between the different modes to figure out if its iron or not, since im guess'n its only motion mode that makes the single iron beep and not the non motion modes, is that correct?
I only replied because the Viking sub forum isn’t very active, and you might be waiting a long time for an answer regarding the VK40 specifically.
As I understand it, the VK30 and the VK40 are basically the same machine, as far as I have been able to tell, the only difference seems to be the setting controls, mine has twiddly knobs, yours has touch sensitive buttons, apart from that I think it’s all the same.
As far as I recall, the VK30 in non motion mode makes a continuous humming noise when it detects a metal object, it doesn’t make a difference what the metal is. In motion mode it gives two short beeps when it passes over a metal object, but there is no distinction other than on the display to indicate what the target might be.
I think it’s highly likely that the VK40 is the same.
I haven’t used my VK30 since March last year though.
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Post by steveu »

Anyway i dont want to pay plus 1k for a detector, I heard viking arn't to bad when there functioning well. he sent my detector today so ill report back how i get on with it next week,
i wanted to get a VDI scale topic going for the VK models but thats not permitted when you mention putting depths of finds since your comparing machines, which i guess is understandable, i might try again without depth included at some point. [81/]
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Post by Erik_the_Viking »

Just see how you get on with it, it might give you the metal detecting bug and persuade you to enter the realms of a multi tone machine…
Minelab Equinox 600, 700 & Pro Find 35
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