I need help for My Gold Bug pro

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I need help for My Gold Bug pro

Post by Shawani »

Hello guys

I was looking for a chart to explain the metal identification numbers for the Fisher Gold Bug Pro device from No. 10 to No. 100, with an explanation of the metal that corresponds to each number under normal circumstances.
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Post by sweepstick47 »

Hi, In the absence of any replies to your post so far, be aware that the numbers produced on any detector screen purporting to assist in the identification of finds according to their metal content are in fact simply unhelpful and misleading in the views of seasoned and experienced Detectorist.
They do not and cannot convey any accurate result concerning the identification of finds made or even the metal they comprise.

You may find this link helpful which includes information relating to the subject of your post:
Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask [81/]
Cheers Eric
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Alan Black
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Post by Alan Black »

Target numbers do not specifically relate to any particular metal as target size does also influence conductivity. But to get some sort of idea just pass some targets of various metals and sizes over the coil. [81/]
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Mega B
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Post by Mega B »

Forget about digging individual numbers ie for specific metals as 'id' does not work like that here in the UK because of the massive differences in the metal content of finds......in the US it may work because all the coinage is milled and same metal content so pretty reliable i guess.
As a general rule set your discrimination to say 40 as usually iron or non desirable targets are under 40 and the machine will give you a grunt but dig everything above 40 and its pretty reliable but not 100% perfect as very large iron can fool almost every machine.
Lay some common objects on the ground and pass the coil over them to give you a indication on what the objects will sound like,but do not solely rely on what the screen tells you.

Audio is king every time and far more reliable at depth anyway over what a meter tells you,and i have always been a advocate of setting up a audio threshold and those deep whisper signals that wont trigger either the audio or meter circuits but can still indicate a target at greater depth,only issue when relying on a audio threshold is that fact the machine cannot indicate if its a good or bad signal but your spade and eyes will do that for you.
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Post by sweepstick47 »

I suppose another problem concerning reliance on the numerical readout is that there doesn't seem to be a standard form of scale or calibration in producing the many and varied meters used. [42/]
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Post by Shawani »

sweepstick47 wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 11:33 pm Hi, In the absence of any replies to your post so far, be aware that the numbers produced on any detector screen purporting to assist in the identification of finds according to their metal contact are in fact simply unhelpful and misleading in the views of seasoned, experienced Detectorist.
They do not and cannot convey any accurate result concerning the identification of finds made or even the metal they comprise.

You may find this link helpful which includes information relating to the subject of your post:
Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask [81/]
Cheers Eric
Thank you very much for your kind reply. Yes, I understood. I looked at the question and answer link, which helped me a lot.
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Post by Shawani »

Mega B wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 9:04 am Forget about digging individual numbers ie for specific metals as 'id' does not work like that here in the UK because of the massive differences in the metal content of finds......in the US it may work because all the coinage is milled and same metal content so pretty reliable i guess.
As a general rule set your discrimination to say 40 as usually iron or non desirable targets are under 40 and the machine will give you a grunt but dig everything above 40 and its pretty reliable but not 100% perfect as very large iron can fool almost every machine.
Lay some common objects on the ground and pass the coil over them to give you a indication on what the objects will sound like,but do not solely rely on what the screen tells you.

Audio is king every time and far more reliable at depth anyway over what a meter tells you,and i have always been a advocate of setting up a audio threshold and those deep whisper signals that wont trigger either the audio or meter circuits but can still indicate a target at greater depth,only issue when relying on a audio threshold is that fact the machine cannot indicate if its a good or bad signal but your spade and eyes will do that for
Yes, well done, thank you for contributing
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Post by Shawani »

Alan Black wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 12:52 am Target numbers do not specifically relate to any particular metal as target size does also influence conductivity. But to get some sort of idea just pass some targets of various metals and sizes over the coil. [81/]
Yes thanks you for contributing
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