Triple D replaced by DDB

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leslie(nova scotia)
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Triple D replaced by DDB

Post by leslie(nova scotia) »

Triple D now DDB
Sunlight. Peeking through the dark forbidding clouds! A slight sou'wester wind, doable moderate temperature and feeling half human. All the ingredients for a dig saving for the wait for low tide. With everything frozen the only option for a dig was below the high tide mark which was due shortly.
Packed up, wrapped up and headed out to a local park. Nothing spectacular other then getting out this time of year swinging while cursing at the same time. Pennies to the left of me, pennies to the right, ducks in the water with squirrels giving me the eye looking for a free hand out. An hour 15 spent wisely but was time to go.
No "Triple D" today (drive, dine and dig) as once home Zen Guru stayed there and Honey Bunny added to the mix, The new acronym; "DDB." Donna, Dad and Bill. Three different hospitals to drop into. Oh joy! Did manage that is as at Dad's Camp Hill Veteran Hospital there was a cart with free dvds. Scoffed a half dozen discs including a few John Wayne which should get me through a 12 hour night shift. Speaking of work heard through the grape vine that we were successful in once again getting the cruise ship contract......yes! Love my retirement job. Things at Marie's parents were okay but I could see a worried look in Marie's eyes.
This was yesterday. Now off today to see my knee surgeon....oh joy! Be safe. Cheers.
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Post by beaubrummell »

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly...............classic movie. As for DDD, the only treble D that comes to mind is this character from Total Recall. [81/]

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leslie(nova scotia)
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Post by leslie(nova scotia) »

Wowzer that is a mouthfull....on some planets. Cheers...only you would think of! [87/]
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Post by Ferrett »

I enjoy reading your tales Les , you should write a book ,
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Post by sweepstick47 »

I hope the knee surgeon visit went well Leslie [81/]
Cheers Eric
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