Information on sewage discharges on UK beaches.

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Information on sewage discharges on UK beaches.

Post by Sewin »

This news article may be of interest specifically for detectorists in Wales with rather shocking information regarding discharges of sewage onto beaches yesterday 23rd January at the end of article. ... m-30848326

One quote from that article is horrific “Since January 4, there have been 64 instances of it in different locations across Wales.”

The article includes links to ‘The safer seas & rivers’ lite map. It has a link to the downloadable phone app too.

The app and website provides information for the whole of the UK.

A previous article here: "People warned not to go in water at dozens of beaches" ... r-30726678
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Post by KevinB »

It`s all over unfortunately not just Wales. Southsea beach recently had a warning for people not to swim because of the water quality. Just before Christmas I was on the foreshore in Chichester Harbour the deeper I dug the stronger the smell, when I got back to the car I was frozen whacked the heater on full and it was not perfume from Paris in the air!!....Still the Greek coin I found made up for it a bit.....[88/] My local paper did an artical about sewage polution and showed a photo of a guy coming out of the sea with toilet paper on his shoulder, lovely. Still at least it was Andrex and not the cheap stuff!!........ [49/]
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Post by fred »

Same situation on the Kent coasts. Years of underinvestment so the water companies could pay their shareholders massive dividends certainly hasn't helped the situation any. [88/]
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Post by LuckyB »

Corporate greed, with no oversight from successive governments, absolutely criminal what has happened to the water industry, a basic necessity which should never have been privatised. [84/]
If you want an example of what is wrong in Britain today the water industry is the perfect example, look at who did it and allowed them away with it and don't forget it! [70/]
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Post by ManOnTheMoon »

fred wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 9:32 pm Years of underinvestment so the water companies could pay their shareholders massive dividends certainly hasn't helped the situation any. [88/]
Not only dividends, but also wholly undeserved bonuses for the water company executives! Thames Water, for example, borrowed several billion £, allegedly to improve water infrastructure, but there is no evidence any of this occurred. Nope, it seems to have been a dubious financial cover game to pass cash to owners, executives and shareholders. In other words, theft, plain and simple.

Because of the lack of close government oversight of this 'heist', I suspect some MPs and ministers have had their snouts in the water trough, and deflected anyone from having a closer look at at all. The result is that Joe Public will be left paying the bills (water more expensive than fuel, anyone?) and no one will go to jail for the crimes.

It is a common theme running through so much of commerce today. For example, I'll be very surprised if any of the big names in the Post Office scandal end up with custodial sentences. It is a disgraceful state of affairs.

Sorry, a bit of a rant. Back to detecting. 🙁
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Post by The Don »

I hate to say it, but it's just as bad down here on the beaches near me, SW Water are really good at pumping out sh*t wish they weren't though!

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Post by Roger »

Chief executives get shed loads of Dosh for doing nothing other than a name somewhere!! Share holders doing great and the Brown Stuff ends up on the Beach...
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