Eyes only on an old permission

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Post by Etruscan_Toad »

Incredible finds. Almost seems like a 'hoard' of flints? Definitely agree this would be of interest to archaeologists.
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Post by pendragon374 »

Hi, the archaeologists were on the field late last summer digging everywhere prior to the road changes and identified a lot of man made earth marking under the soil including recovering a lots of bits flint etc. I have not seen the report that was produced but the farmer did say that a settlement had been mentioned to her and a lot of "interesting items " were found.
I was there when they were digging trenches (on behalf of the farmer who asked my to check what they were doing) and, got to be honest could not see what they were pointing out to me .(they were a bit cool with me as I had told them that I was a detectorist)
I did detect on the spoil heaps when they were not there but found nothing of note. The local FLO had been, so I am told ,to the field during the excavations and so the farmer tells me ,was aware of the historical importance of the site, but nothing get in the way of progress !!!!!
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Post by Phil2401 »

Being cynical, this sounds like just another example of 'money talks' - are the proposed improvements more beneficial than the history they will destroy? Apparently so, in someone's opinion.

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Post by liamnolan »

Great collection, well recovered. I do try to spot flints but hard to find without crawling along!
liam :;@
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Post by Erik_the_Viking »

Very nice finds. It’s sad that you’ve lost your last permission, but at least you found something really good before it’s gone and buried under tarmac.'
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