Memories lost and found

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Memories lost and found

Post by Creodin »

Whilst out on my permission with my detecting buddy today, he unearthed the metal disc from a dog collar from about 6 inches down in pasture.
The disc was engraved with the dog’s name as well as contact details of the owner who, unsurprisingly, turned out to be the current landowner. On my way back home, I called in to see him to return the tag to him.
He told me that his dog had passed away three years ago, at the age of thirteen, and that he would add the tag to a portrait of his pet that he had had commissioned from a local artist.
Just a small object but it obviously carried precious memories of a faithful friend and being able to return it to its owner was worth its weight in gold.

Happy hunting.
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Post by KevinB »

Great to get a find that is personal and appreciated by the owner. If that had of been my dog better than any amount of money. So many things have more value. Thanks for sharing..... [81/]
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Post by liamnolan »

Well done Chris [81/] A kind gesture.
I buried the ashes of my last Staffy Bubbles in the garden that she loved to do her sunbathing in [87/] Special box from a wonderful vet for a truly wonderful pet and friend [75/] I framed Bubbles paw prints that the vet had taken and its hanging in the garage where I see it as I muck about with detecting gear [75/]
Over the years I also have found engraved discs that I dropped off later on the way home. Some farms get sold on and new owners, but now and then someone remembers the dog and its well appreciated.
That was a kind gesture, Liam :;@
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Post by KevinB »

With the dog tags I find with a number I always call....With the people who`s dog have passed when I speak to them I can often hear the lump in their throat, so sad. I think it makes their day when they get them back in the post......... [81/]
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Post by liamnolan »

In the same vein, lost toys such as Dinky cars found close to farm houses are left at the farmers door. In fact anything that might have a personal connection is never chucked away.
Old padlocks, keys, chains, signs, tools ... all have a value. I remember finding a bunch of keys once in Norwich, near the Roman Town, inside the field entrance. When I finished I dropped in at the estate office and handed over the keys and left. I later got a call asking me to pop back to the office. The estate manager was there, with the agricultural contactor. It appeared that the bunch of keys were like gold dust, had dropped off a tractor some weeks back and fitted all the field gate locks, farm vehicles, storage sheds etc etc. They were happy bunnies and wanted to thank me personally.
We got chatting about detecting land and the contractor said that pretty much any fields in the area were managed by him and if I saw a field that I wanted to detect, he would arrange that with the owners [81/]
Liam :;@
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Post by beaubrummell »

Well done that man. It's not all about Hammies and gold. [81/]
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Post by Etruscan_Toad »

Lovely story and gesture. One of many positive aspects of the hobby.
In Vino Veritas.
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