This has been a great metal detector, but its no longer being used.
It comes with lots of extras.
- 15"x14" nokta coil - around 2 months old so comes with warranty.
- kr24 9.5"x5" nokta coil, brand new and not been used with warranty.
- kr19 7.5"x4" nokta coil, around 1 month old with warranty.
Nokta pulse dive 2 in 1, pin pointer and search coil, bought last year so has some warranty left.
Nokta wireless headphones, working condition, though the black coating has peeled off the padding.
Nokta external battery pack, around 1 month old.
Everything will be shown working of course, the metal detector and pin pointer and headphones will show signs of wear, with scratches ect in different places, it doesnt come with the original coil. on the screen you can see a scratch that you can feel when you run your nail over it, doesnt affect its working order, ive tested it under water and doesnt get in, can also be shown on viewing. The metal detector itself doesnt come with warranty. its been well used and has found me many things, with lots of different search modes. sold as seen, any questions please ask, £380 cash on collection, located near exeter
FOR SALE - Nokta Anfibio multi metal detector & nokta 2 in 1 pulse dive + extras £380
Second-hand metal detectors and accessories gear for sale only for UK members.
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