6 inch Equinox coil info please

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Dave Lowe
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6 inch Equinox coil info please

Post by Dave Lowe »

I mostly detect in thick woods, and am thinking of getting a 6 inch coil to get to hard to access areas for my Nox 600, could anyone share their experience with the 6 inch coil please, does it loose depth at all over the standard coil for instance, thank you for any feedback.
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Post by LuckyB »

I bought one and I only used it a couple of times, it was just too small and I hated it, if you really want a small coil go for the coiltek 10x5" it is still a small coil but much more useful in my opinion. [81/]

PS it definitely doesn't go as deep as the stock 11"
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Mega B
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Post by Mega B »

For such a small coil its pretty deep infact i was blown away by how it performed,of course you do loose the ground coverage,another option that i use is the Coiltek 10x5 coil which is not all that far behind the stock coil depth wise.
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Post by paul50 »

good little coil,glad i brought one,not as deep as stock coil and is good on separation and is easy to swing,do agree with the other comments on the coiltek which i would like but am to tight to buy another equinox coil,but i would recommend this coil to anyone with the nox [81/]
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Post by Bradrick »

When I had my Nox, I bought the 6" for exactly the same purpose (bramble, trees, etc). I was impressed with it, and would definitely recommend it, but if pushed, I would personally go for the Coiltek 10x5: a better shape for those tight places.
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